A scene from Carousel, 1958 (4)

Those prepared to look beneath the surface, may well be rewarded to find in Carousel, the most thoughtfully moral musical of the century’. TOADS production of Carousel was performed at City Hall between November 10th-15th 1958. Production and Chreography was by Mavis Ward, Musical Director was by G. Trehane Collins, Ballet Mistress Vera Gatley and Chorus Mistress, Gladys Hiley.

A scene from Carousel, 1958 (5)

Those prepared to look beneath the surface, may well be rewarded to find in Carousel, the most thoughtfully moral musical of the century’. TOADS production of Carousel was performed at City Hall between November 10th-15th 1958. Production and Chreography was by Mavis Ward, Musical Director was by G. Trehane Collins, Ballet Mistress Vera Gatley and Chorus Mistress, Gladys Hiley.

Mayoral hat and hat box

A decorative hat worn by Truro City Mayor during the early 20thCentury. The hat is narrow and semi-circular in shape with peaked corners. The hat is decorative, with black fabric and ribbon wrappings. The centrepiece of the hat is a strip of golden brocade embroidered with beads and a large button. Mayors act as ceremonial leaders having been elected by local residents. Their role is one of a public figurehead, communicator and influencer with regards to local politics and civic development. On 11th May 2020, Bert Biscoe was sworn in as Truro’s new mayor. He was sworn in virtually. Bert becomes the first mayor to be sworn in as Truro Mayor due to the Coronavirus pandemic).

Isaac Roskelley’s mayoral hat and hat box

A decorative hat worn by Truro City Mayor Isaac Roskelley Esq between 1913 and 1914 during the early 20thCentury. The hat is narrow and semi-circular in shape with peaked corners. It is decorative, with black fabric and ribbon wrappings. The centrepiece of the hat is a strip of golden brocade embroidered with beads and a large button. The hat is accompanied by its hat box which is inscribed with its wearer’s name and role. Mayors act as ceremonial leaders having been elected by local residents. Their role is one of a public figurehead, communicator and influencer with regards to local politics and civic development. Manufactured by Christy’s of London.

Mayoral Ruff

A ruff is just one part of a mayor’s ceremonial clothing. It will be worn when performing civic duties within the town and will likely be accompanied by other items of ceremonial dress including a hat, robe, gloves and chain. Ruffs were a common dress items during the 17th and 18th centuries and were worn as an item of clothing separate from a shirt. This allowed for easier cleaning of the ruff alone rather than the entire shirt.

Tricorne mayoral hat

This Mayoral hat is an example of an earlier tricorne design. Stamped on the inside of the hat with the latin phrase ‘Floreat Industria’ (he prospers who labours), it is sparsely decorated with black braid on its exterior. This style of hat would have been worn by the current mayor when carrying out ceremonial or official duties.