A Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera in two acts, Pirates of Penzance first premiered in New York City in 1879 before debuting in London in 1880. It is one of the most frequently performed Gilbert and Sullivan operas and tells the story of Frederic, who upon turning 21, is released from his apprenticeship to a band of pirates. The T.A.O.D.S staged their own production of the opera at Hall for Cornwall in 2003. This photograph is taken in the men’s dressing room at Hall for Cornwall and features the cast of police who acted in the show.
First produced in London’s West End in 2000, the Witches of Eastwick is a musical based on John Updike’s 1984 novel of the same name. The story centres around the 3 female protagonists, the ‘Witches’, and the events that take place in the aftermath of the miraculous arrival of the man of their dreams. The T.A.O.D.S production of the musical was staged at Hall for Cornwall in 2007.
First produced in London’s West End in 2000, the Witches of Eastwick is a musical based on John Updike’s 1984 novel of the same name. The story centres around the 3 female protagonists, the ‘Witches’, and the events that take place in the aftermath of the miraculous arrival of the man of their dreams. The T.A.O.D.S production of the musical was staged at Hall for Cornwall in 2007. This backstage photograph is taken in the dressing room at Hall for Cornwall and captures part of the cast who took part in the production.
This is a photograph of afternoon tea being held in the Mayors parlour at Hall for Cornwall during the 2007 productions of the Witches of Eastwick. The Boscawen Street side of City Hall not only houses the Mayors parlour but is also home to Truro City Council and Cornwall’s Coroners Court.
42nd Street is a musical based on the 1930s novel by Bradford Ropes and the subsequent film adaptation of the same era. The show centres on the efforts of a famed director to successfully mount an extravagent stage production during the worse years of the Great Depression. The T.A.O.D.S performance of 42nd Street ran between the 6th and 11th of November at City Hall Truro in 1995 and was the Cornish premiere of the musical.
This photograph captures the entire Truro Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society during the production of 42nd Street at City Hall Truro in 1995. The production ran between the 6th and 11th of November and was the Cornish premiere of the musical.
This photograph captures the entire cast from the Truro Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society production of 42nd Street at City Hall Truro in 1995. The production ran between the 6th and 11th of November and was the Cornish premiere of the musical.
A musical by Cole Porter, Anything Goes follows the escapades of an ocean liner bound from New York to London, telling the love story of a stowaway and an heiress in the process. The T.A.O.D.S staged their own production of the musical at Hall for Cornwall in 1998.
A musical by Cole Porter, Anything Goes follows the escapades of an ocean liner bound from New York to London, telling the love story of a stowaway and an heiress in the process. The musical has been revived several times since its first appearance on Broadway in 1934. In 1998, the T.A.O.D.S revived the musical and staged their own production of Anything Goes.
This image is a photograph of the band who performed in the T.A.O.D.S production of Anything Goes at Hall for Cornwall in 1998.