Several old posters of past performances at City Hall were discovered during the first Hall for Cornwall build between 1995-97. However, due to being firmly glued onto the wall, they were unfortunately not able to be preserved.

Several old posters of past performances at City Hall were discovered during the first Hall for Cornwall build between 1995-97. However, due to being firmly glued onto the wall, they were unfortunately not able to be preserved.

Several old posters of past performances at City Hall were discovered during the first Hall for Cornwall build between 1995-97. However, due to being firmly glued onto the wall, they were unfortunately not able to be preserved.

Advertising the T.A.O.D.S performance of Showboat at City Hall in November 1992, this poster is an interesting example of the progression in theatre design that had resulted in sophisticated and modern advertisements by the end of the century.

Camelot was performed by the T.A.O.D.S at City Hall Truro between the 1st and 6th of November, 1993. It was co-directed by Joan and John Boreham who were accompanied by Hubert Julian as musical director. In contrast to earlier advertisements for T.A.O.D.S productions, this poster contains less detailed text in favour of a larger title and illustration. The T.A.O.D.S iconic logo inspired by the spires of Truro Cathedral also features.

Advertising a performance of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at City Hall, this poster is an interesting example of the changes in design trends throughout the history of T.A.O.D.S performances. Illustrations, eye catching colour and modern fonts contrast with earlier production posters which had simpler designs.

The T.A.O.D.S performance of Calamity Jane ran between the 10th and the 15th of November, 1975. It was produced and choreographed by Debbie Underwood and featured Harry Jordan as musical director and Elizabeth Willis as ballet mistress. The poster showcases the theatre and design trends of the 1970s, featuring striking coloured text to convey the title of the musical, the venue and prices which appear in contrast with the bolder black capitalised text that’s used to advertise the society and performance dates.

The T.A.O.D.S performance of The Lisbon Story ran from the 14th of November at the Regent Theatre Truro in 1949. It was produced and choreographed by Mavis Ward who was accompanied by Gordon Hall as musical director. Both Mavis and Gordon were prolific in the shows they produced and directed for the T.A.O.D.S. This specific performance was the first West Country premiere of the musical. Printed by David R. Poland of Truro, the poster is an interesting example of post-war theatre and design trends. It’s bold text, eye catching colour and type of varying sizes is accompanied by a cast list and prices of tickets for prospective audiences to survey.

A poster printed by Solomon & Metz of Truro, advertising a five night run of the comedy Fools Rush In at City Hall. Fools Rush In was a popular British play first performed in 1946 in London’s West End. It tells the story of a bride’s cold feet in the run up to her impending nuptials.
City Hall played host to regular plays, operas and musicals produced by Truro Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society. This 1962 play was produced by John Knight with musical arrangement by Samuel French Ltd. Carrington V.C was written by playwrights Campbell and Dorothy Christie and premiered in the West End in 1953, with the subsequent film adaptation produced in 1954. The poster was printed at Solomon & Metz printers in Truro, who were regularly employed to print posters and handbills for productions at City Hall. More elaborate posters for productions with bigger budgets tended to use printers in Plymouth and Bristol efficient in printing colour imagery on larger presses.