Based on a story by Willson and Franklin Lacey, the plot of the Music Man musical follows the blossoming romance between conman Harold Wilson and a librarian and piano teacher named Marian. Premiering in 1957, the show was an immediate Broadway success and won several awards. This success led to a revival of the musical and a subsequent film and television adaptation. The T.A.O.D.S staged their own production of the muscial at City Hall Truro in 1985. This image is a photograph of a scene from their production.
Based on a story by Willson and Franklin Lacey, the plot of the Music Man musical follows the blossoming romance between conman Harold Wilson and a librarian and piano teacher named Marian. Premiering in 1957, the show was an immediate Broadway success and won several awards. This success led to a revival of the musical and a subsequent film and television adaptation. The T.A.O.D.S staged their own production of the muscial at City Hall Truro in 1985. This image is a photograph of a scene from their production.
Based on a story by Willson and Franklin Lacey, the plot of the Music Man musical follows the blossoming romance between conman Harold Wilson and a librarian and piano teacher named Marian. Premiering in 1957, the show was an immediate Broadway success and won several awards. This success led to a revival of the musical and a subsequent film and television adaptation. The T.A.O.D.S staged their own production of the muscial at City Hall Truro in 1985. This image is a photograph of a scene from their production.
Many different functions were staged in the annexe of City Hall. This photograph captures the afternoon tea which was held for the T.A.O.D.S during their production of Music Man at City Hall in 1985.
Many different functions were staged in the annexe of City Hall. This photograph captures the afternoon tea which was held for the T.A.O.D.S during their production of Music Man at City Hall in 1985.
One of the many musicals performed by the T.A.O.D.S at City Hall Truro over the years, My Fair Lady follows the romance which blossoms between Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle when he attempts to transform her into a member of upper society. This photograph is a scene from the 1986 T.A.O.D.S production of the musical. It showcases the marvellous outfits that featured in T.A.O.D.S productions.
One of the many musicals performed by the T.A.O.D.S at City Hall Truro over the years, My Fair Lady follows the romance which blossoms between Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle when he attempts to transform her into a member of upper society. This photograph is a scene from the 1986 T.A.O.D.S production of the musical. It showcases the marvellous outfits that featured in T.A.O.D.S productions.
One of the many musicals performed by the T.A.O.D.S at City Hall Truro over the years, My Fair Lady follows the romance which blossoms between Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle when he attempts to transform her into a member of upper society. This photograph is a scene from the 1986 T.A.O.D.S production of the musical. It showcases the marvellous outfits that featured in T.A.O.D.S productions.
One of the many musicals performed by the T.A.O.D.S at City Hall Truro over the years, My Fair Lady follows the romance which blossoms between Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle when he attempts to transform her into a member of upper society. This image is a backstage photograph of the ensemble from the 1986 T.A.O.D.S production of My Fair Lady.
One of the many musicals performed by the T.A.O.D.S at City Hall Truro over the years, My Fair Lady follows the romance which blossoms between Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle when he attempts to transform her into a member of upper society. This image is a photograph of the ensemble from the 1986 T.A.O.D.S production of My Fair Lady. The cast are sat on the backstage stairs of City Hall.